Alina and Roma, the founders of No Dark Factory, embarked on an unexpected journey when they relocated to Israel from Armenia after years of living in Moscow. With a background in the film industry, they faced challenges finding work due to language barriers and the turmoil of war. During this difficult time, they found solace in volunteering and discovered a new passion—candle making. What began as a simple experiment quickly grew into a full-fledged business, inspired by their love for creativity and the desire to bring light into people's lives during dark times.
No Dark Factory was born from its dedication to creating high-quality, hand-crafted candles that illuminate spaces and tell stories of resilience and hope. Alina and Roman infuse each candle with their personal experiences, drawing inspiration from their surroundings in Israel. They carefully design and craft every product, ensuring that each one carries a unique scent and aesthetic that reflects the beauty and complexity of their journey. Through No Dark Factory, they aim to share their passion for candle making and create a sense of warmth and connection in homes worldwide.